
Did You Know…?

  • Today, the highest income tax bracket is 37%, but it has been much higher.
  • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has received a significant enforcement budget increase to collect outstanding taxes.
  • The Individual Income Tax Act of 1944 raised tax rates to the point where the highest bracket was 94%.
  • Notices of federal tax liens are on the rise and expected to increase significantly in 2020 and beyond.
  • This means the IRS will be VERY aggressive in seeking to collect outstanding taxes owed.
  • Let BH Tax Relief take IMMEDIATE action, on your behalf, in dealing with the IRS’ enforcement tactics.

Did you know the IRS Misses 15%?

It’s called the tax gap, and it represents the funds that the IRS is owed but never receives due to taxpayers underreporting their income, making filing errors, and so on. The agency receives about $2 trillion annually and says it misses out on an estimated $385 billion each year. Additional funding and more agents, help IRS collections. If you owe the IRS, BH Tax Relief can represent you in negotiating with the IRS so you can get peace of mind.

Good Luck Getting The IRS On The Phone

We know your time is very valuable, so sitting on hold waiting for an IRS agent can take a very long time. The IRS receives more than 100 million phone calls each year from taxpayers seeking help, and around 40% are unable to speak with an agent. Let BH Tax Relief work on your behalf, save you precious time, and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.